Scientific research activities at the Department of Power Engineering:

APVV-19-0576: Sebestačnosť elektroenergetiky v podmienkach liberalizovaného trhu s elektrinou (2020-2024)
Position: Investigator

VEGA 1/0627/24: Výskum vplyvu rozvoja elektro mobility a OZE na distribučné sústavy (2024-2026)
Position: Investigator

Study for SEPS a.s.: Výskum možnosti využitia digitálnych ochrán v systémoch WAMS (2022-2023)

Teaching materials:
ŠTEFKO, Róbert: Úvod do parametrizácie ochranných relé. Edition Teaching materials. TUKE: 2022. 53 s. ISBN 978-80-553-4066-1.

ŠTEFKO, Róbert: Introduction to the parameterization of protection relays. Edition Teaching materials. TUKE: 2022. 53 s. ISBN 978-80-553-4065-4.

ŠTEFKO, Róbert: Parametrizácia ochranných relé v elektrizačných sústavách. Edition Teaching materials. TUKE: 2022. 115 s. ISBN 978-80-553-4068-5.

ŠTEFKO, Róbert: Parameterization of protection relays in power systems. Edition Teaching materials. TUKE: 2022. 115 s. ISBN 978-80-553-4067-8.

Publication activities:

Scientific papers in non-impact foreign journals – (ADE):
ŠTEFKO, Róbert – BOBČEK, Marek – MESARČ, Daniel – KOLCUN, Michal: The importance of maintenance of designated technical equipment – kiosk substations 22/04 kV. In: Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, 2024. ISSN 2066-8910.

Scientific papers in non-impact domestic journals – (ADF):
ŠTEFKO, Róbert – ČONKA, Zsolt – BOBČEK, Marek – MIHÁLIKOVÁ, Alžbeta – KOLCUN, Michal: Pôsobenie OZE na prevádzku elektrizačnej sústavy a návrh vytvorenia mikrosiete. In: Elektroenergetika. Roč. 17, č. 1 (2024), s. 33-36. ISSN 1337-6756.

Scientific papers in foreign journals indexed in Web of Science or SCOPUS – (ADM):
ŠTEFKO, Róbert – BOBČEK, Marek: Artificial Intelligence and Energy Efficiency Revolution in Electric Consumption Management. In: 2024 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), May 21-25, 2024 in Siófok, Hungary and Timisoara, Romania.

Scientific papers in non-impact domestic journals – (ADF)
ŠTEFKO, Róbert – ČONKA, Zsolt: Systém ochrany a manažment porúch pre mikrosiete a aktívne distribučné siete. In: QuoVadis Research. Roč. 6, č. 2 (September 2023), s. 120-130. ISSN 2585-9587.

ŠTEFKO, Róbert – ČONKA, Zsolt – BOBČEK, Marek – KURPAŠ, Daniel – KOLCUN, Michal: Parametrizácia systému chránenia pre malú vodnú elektráreň. In: Elektroenergetika. Roč. 16, č. 2 (2023), s. 17-21. (Special issue: SUE 2023). ISSN 1337-6756.

Scientific papers in foreign journals indexed in Web of Science or SCOPUS – (ADM):
ŠTEFKO, Róbert – KOLCUN, Michal – BOBČEK, Marek – MAZUR, Damian – KWIATKOWSKI, Bogdan: Design of a Protection System for Distributed Energy Sources in Distribution Grids. In: Selected Issues in Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Industry 4.0 – Conference. 8 December 2023. (Special issue: Przeglad Elektrotechniczny). Rzeszow.

ŠTEFKO, Róbert – ČONKA, Zsolt – KOLCUN, Michal – JURÁK, Viktor – PÁLFI, Judith: Communication research of protective relays for microgrids and active distribution networks. In: Przeglad Elektrotechniczny. Vol. 99, No. 7 (2023), pp. 232-236. ISSN 0033-2097. doi: 10.15199/48.2023.07.43.

Published contributions at international scientific conferences – (AFC):
ŠTEFKO, Róbert – ČONKA, Zsolt – PAVLÍK, Marek – BUCKO, Samuel – MEDVEĎ, Dušan – KOLCUN, Michal: Operation of directional overcurrent protection in Microgrids. In: 23rd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). Brno: VUT, 24-26 May 2023, Brno, Czech Republic, P. 1-4. ISBN 979-8-3503-3593-4. DOI: 10.1109/EPE58302.2023.10149271.

ŠTEFKO, Róbert – BOBČEK, Marek – ČONKA, Zsolt – PÁLFI, Judith – RÁCZ, Ervin: Research of WAMS in power systems using SCADA system. In: IEEE 6th International Conference AND workshop in Óbuda on Electrical and Power Engineering (CANDO EPE 2023), Oct. 19-20, 2023, Budapest, Hungary.

ČONKA, Zsolt – ŠTEFKO, Róbert – SEDLÁK, Radoslav: Analysis of the Use of Active and Passive Lightning Conductors. In: IEEE 6th International Conference AND workshop in Óbuda on Electrical and Power Engineering (CANDO EPE 2023), Oct. 19-20, 2023, Budapest, Hungary.

PAVLÍK, Marek – ZBOJOVSKÝ, Ján – ŠTEFKO, Róbert – KOLCUN, Michal: Comparison of Vertical and Horizontal Shading of a Photovoltaic Panel. In: IEEE 6th International Conference AND workshop in Óbuda on Electrical and Power Engineering (CANDO EPE 2023), Oct. 19-20, 2023, Budapest, Hungary.

Scientific papers in impact foreign journals – (ADC):
ČONKA, Zsolt – BEŇA, Ľubomír – ŠTEFKO, Róbert – PAVLÍK, Marek – HOLCSIK, Peter – PÁLFI, judith: Wind Turbine Power Control According to EU Legislation. In: Energies. 2022; 15(22), 8614; Special Issue: Selected Issues of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Mechatronics. (WZEE 2021). 13-15 Sept. 2021. Rzeszow. DOI: 10.3390/en15228614

Scientific papers in non-impact domestic journals – (ADF):
ŠTEFKO, Róbert – ŠÁRPATAKY, Miloš – ŠÁRPATAKY, Ľuboš – ČONKA, Zsolt – KOLCUN, Michal – PAVLÍK, Marek – MEDVEĎ, Dušan – KIRÁLY, Jozef: Výstavba a vývoj mikrosietí vo svete. In: Elektroenergetika. Roč. 15, č. 1 (2022), s. 16-19. – ISSN 1337-6756.

ČONKA, Zsolt – ŠTEFKO, Róbert – KOLCUN, Michal – PAVLÍK, Marek – MEDVEĎ, Dušan – BUCKO, Samuel – KIRÁLY, Jozef: Využitie WAMS v elektrizačnej sústave. In: Elektroenergetika. Roč. 15, č. 2 (2022), s. 37-41. ISSN 1337-6756.

ŠTEFKO, Róbert – JAROLIN, Miroslav – ČONKA, Zsolt – KOLCUN, Michal – PAVLÍK, Marek – MEDVEĎ, Dušan – KIRÁLY, Jozef – KURIMSKÝ, Juraj: Chránenie a prevádzka obnoviteľných zdrojov energie v distribučných sieťach. In: Elektroenergetika. Roč. 15, č. 2 (2022), s. 8-11. ISSN 1337-6756.

ŠTEFKO, Róbert – ŠÁRPATAKY, Miloš – ŠÁRPATAKY, Ľuboš – KOHAN, Vladimír – HAVRAN, Peter – KOLCUN, Michal: Modeling of Protection Relays and Renewable Energy Sources for Microgrid Systems. In: Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2022, pp.9-17. ISSN 1338-3957. DOI: 10.2478/aei-2022-0012.

Scientific papers in foreign journals indexed in Web of Science or SCOPUS – (ADM):
ČONKA, Zsolt – ŠTEFKO, Róbert – KIRÁLY, Jozef: Research of Protective Relay Communication for Microgrids and Active Distribution Networks. In: Selected Issues in Power Engineering, Electrical Engineering and Industry 4.0, November 30, 2022, Poland – Rzeszów.

Scientific papers in domestic peer-reviewed scientific proceedings and monographs – (AED):
ŠTEFKO, Róbert – KOLCUN, Michal: Design of energy source models for a microgrid system. In: SCYR 2022. – Košice: TU, 2022 S. 18-19. – ISBN 978-80-553-4061-6.

Published contributions at international scientific conferences – (AFC):
KOLCUN, Michal – ČONKA, Zsolt – KOHAN, Vladimír – ŠTEFKO, Róbert – PAVLÍK, Marek – MOHAMMAD SARWARI, Dost: Application of Capacitor to Distribution System for Minimization of Power Looses. In: 22nd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). – Ostrava: VSB, 08-10 June 2022, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, P. 1-6. ISBN 978-1-6654-1057-1. DOI: 10.1109/EPE54603.2022.9814127.

KOHAN, Vladimír – KOLCUN, Michal – ČONKA, Zsolt – HAVRAN, Peter – KARABINOŠ, Matej – TAILOR, Rikin Jitendrakumar – ŠTEFKO, Róbert: Improving the Operation of Power System Control During Disturbances Using FACTS Controllers. In: 22nd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). – Ostrava: VSB, 08-10 June 2022, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, P. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-6654-1057-1. DOI: 10.1109/EPE54603.2022.9814108.

ŠTEFKO, Róbert – KOHAN, Vladimír – ŠÁRPATAKY, Ľuboš – ŠÁRPATAKY, Miloš – HAVRAN, Peter – ČONKA, Zsolt – KOLCUN, Michal: Prospective Direction of Development of Protection Systems for Microgrids. In: 22nd International Scientific Conference on Electric Power Engineering (EPE). – Ostrava: VSB, 08-10 June 2022, Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, P. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-6654-1057-1. DOI: 10.1109/EPE54603.2022.9814109.

ČONKA, Zsolt – KOHAN, Vladimír – ŠTEFKO, Róbert – KOLCUN, Michal: Wind turbine power controlWind turbine power control. In: IEEE 5th International Conference AND workshop in Óbuda on Electrical and Power Engineering (CANDO EPE 2022), Nov. 20-21, 2022, Budapest, Hungary. p. 33-34, ISBN 979-8-3503-4619.

Published contributions at domestic scientific conferences – (AFD):
ŠMIDOVIČ, Rastislav – KOHAN, Vladimír – ČONKA, Zsolt – KOLCUN, Michal – HAVRAN, Peter – ŠTEFKO, Róbert: The Use of WAMS in Solving Major Faults. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering – ELEKTROENERGETIKA 2022. Košice: TU, 2022 (12-14 September), p. 230-234, ISBN 978-805534104-0.

ŠTEFKO, Róbert – ŠÁRPATAKY, Ľuboš – ŠÁRPATAKY, Miloš – BEŇA, Ľubomír – ČONKA, Zsolt – DŽMURA, Jaroslav – KOLCUN, Michal – PAVLÍK, Marek: Case Study of the Design of Renewable Energy Sources for Microgrid Systems. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering – ELEKTROENERGETIKA 2022. Košice: TU, 2022 (12-14 September), p. 235-240, ISBN 978-805534104-0.

Scientific papers in impact foreign journals – (ADC):
ŠTEFKO, Róbert – ČONKA, Zsolt – KOLCUN, Michal: Case Study of Power Plants in the Slovak Republic and Construction of Microgrid and Smart Grid. In: Applied Sciences. 2021; 11(11):5252. doi: 10.3390/app11115252

Scientific papers in non-impact domestic journals – (ADF):
PAVLÍK, Marek – BEŇA, Ľubomír – MEDVEĎ, Dušan – ČONKA, Zsolt – KOLCUN, Michal – KOHAN, Vladimír – JITENDRAKUMAR TAILOR, Rikin – ŠTEFKO, Róbert: Vplyv defektov fotovoltického článku na výrobu elektrickej energie. In: Elektroenergetika. Roč. 14, č. 2 (2021), s. 5-7. – ISSN 1337-6756.

PAVLÍK, Marek – BEŇA, Ľubomír – MEDVEĎ, Dušan – ČONKA, Zsolt – KOLCUN, Michal – KOHAN, Vladimír – JITENDRAKUMAR TAILOR, Rikin – ŠTEFKO, Róbert: Vyhodnotenie účinnosti tienenia pre stavebné materiály. In: Elektroenergetika. Roč. 14, č. 2 (2021), s. 8-9. – ISSN 1337-6756.

KOHAN, Vladimír – ČONKA, Zsolt – KOLCUN, Michal – HAVRAN, Peter – ŠTEFKO, Róbert: Regulácia výkonu veterných elektrární. In: Elektroenergetika. Roč. 14, č. 2 (2021), s. 10-17. – ISSN 1337-6756.

Scientific papers in domestic peer-reviewed scientific proceedings and monographs – (AED):
ŠTEFKO, Róbert – KOLCUN, Michal: Protection system for microgrid and smart grid systems. In: SCYR 2021. – Košice: TU, 2021 S. 23-26. – ISBN 978-80-553-3904-7.

Published contributions at international scientific conferences – (AFC):
KOHAN, Vladimír – ČONKA, Zsolt – KOLCUN, Michal – KARABINOŠ, Matej – HAVRAN, Peter – ŠTEFKO, Róbert – TAILOR, Rikin: Use of FACTS system to improve power system operation (damping oscilation and power flow control). In: IEEE 4th International Conference AND workshop in Óbuda on Electrical and Power Engineering (CANDO EPE 2021), Nov. 17-18, 2021, Budapest, Hungary. pp 113-118, ISBN 978-1-6654-2023-5.

Scientific papers in non-impact domestic journals – (ADF):
PAVLÍK, Marek – KOLCUN, Michal – BEŇA, Ľubomír – MÉSZÁROS, Alexander – MEDVEĎ, Dušan – ČONKA, Zsolt – PÁL, Daniel – OLIINYK, Maksym – KOHAN, Vladimír – MARGITOVÁ, Anastázia – URBANSKÝ, Jakub – ŠTEFKO, Róbert – TAILOR, Rikin Jitendrakumar: Analýza spolupráce obnoviteľných zdrojov energie pre rôzne druhy odberu elektrickej energie. In: Elektroenergetika. Roč. 13, č. 1 (2020), s. 44-48. – ISSN 1337-6756.

ŠTEFKO, Róbert – ČONKA, Zsolt: Špecifikácia vplyvov nepriaznivo pôsobiacich na stabilitu prevádzky ES SR a ich eliminácia. In: Elektroenergetika. Roč. 13, č. 1 (2020), s. 15-19. – ISSN 1337-6756.

OLIINYK, Maksym – DŽMURA, Jaroslav – HUMENÍK, Jozef – HAVRAN, Peter – ŠTEFKO, Róbert – PÁL, Daniel: Data analysis and predictive models in Smart Grid. In: Elektroenergetika. Roč. 13, č. 1 (2020), s. 35-39. – ISSN 1337-6756.

Published contributions at international scientific conferences – (AFC):
ŠTEFKO, Róbert – ČONKA, Zsolt – KURIMSKÝ, Juraj – KOLCUN, Michal: Problems of protection of industrial networks with a high share of renewable energy sources. In: IEEE 3rd International Conference AND workshop in Óbuda on Electrical and Power Engineering (CANDO EPE 2020), Nov. 18-19, 2020, Budapest, Hungary. DOI: 10.1109/CANDO-EPE51100.2020.9337771.